Monday, May 21, 2007


I suck at this whole blog thing now. I haven't written since May 5th? Wow. Part of that is because I feel as if I've been a bit boring lately and kind of in a weird place. So, with that said here is what has been going on...
Since last Thursday I've been working 9-6 at FRA with the oh so lovely middle school children. Although today I got off early which is nice. My last day working with the kiddies is Friday. Part of my may actually miss it. I will for sure miss everyone I work with because they are awesome. But some of the kids aren't so bad either.
I got a job as a greeter at Bricktops! I was hired last week and I now work there which is awesome since I already know most of the people who work there and hang out with them on a regular basis.
I am going to Arizona on Saturday. My mom is having her fourth back surgery on the 31st so I am going back to help out with that.
Danielle moved out. :-( VERY SAD about that! Damnhell you have no idea how much I miss you. The other day Em, Jess and I were all at home and one of them said wow we are all home at the same time and I was like no we aren't Daniell isn't here. And then I got all sad because you don't live with us anymore.
Tessa-P-Pants came to visit! Susan Lucci! I love thee.
Val left this morning from her visit back to the Ville. That was fun. It was wonderful to see her. I am so happy that everyone is making their way back. I am just choosing to be in denial about the two leaving in the fall. (You girls are not leaving I don't know what you are talking about.)
I think that's about it. I am kind of boring. Oh well, such is life.

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