Monday, June 18, 2007

So, I guess I should update...

For those of you who don't know I am currently back in Arizona until August. yay. (Note the sarcasm.) Apparently you have to be taking six hours of classes to be able to get a loan and I was taking three. Since I could not afford to live in the commons without a loan I decided that the best choice for me would be to move back in with my parents for two months and try to get a job and save some money. So, I am currently trying to find a job.

Also, I don't know if a lot of people know this but Jess and I are most likely not going to live together next year. Nothing bad happened or anything we just decided it might be better. On a good note though Danielle and I decided that when she gets back we are going to live together! However, if anyone knows of someone who needs a roomate for the first semester that would be great.

On another good note, I met a boy. Nothing is really happening because he is in Nashville and I am in Socttsdale but hopefully when I get back things can happen. I think I might be a little smitten. :-)
Okay first summer goal:
Get tan...screw skin cancer!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Thanks to all who were thinking or praying for my mom. Her surgery went well and she is expected to heal well. She is kind of suffering from depression that comes after surgery sometimes. She will get through it though.
I am back in Nashville as of 7:35 this morning. It was a hellish night that I hope to never repeat. I was on two red eyes and went through three time zones. So, I don't even know how many hours I traveled last night. But it is over and I am glad to be back.
I start classes tomorrow and quite possibly I start Bricktops too. Not sure when that will happen but hopefully this week.
I am so tired I think I might go to bed now. That is pathetic since it is only 7:15.