Sunday, May 27, 2007


So, I am back in the AZ for a week. It's been pretty uneventful so far. I went to see Pirates this afternoon. It was so loooooonnnnnngggggg. They tried to fit way too much into this movie. It wasn't horrid but it was just okay. Tonight I am going to go meet up with Emily (my best friend from here). It will be good to see her. She is going to Point Loma in San Deigo in the fall so this visit will probably be the last time I see her until Christmas. Speaking of that, is anyone not going home for Thanksgiving this fall. I don't think I want to, but I also don't want to be the only on in Nashville. Anyway, just putting that out there. I am bored and waiting for my hair color to process and thought I would write on here. Anyway, hope all is well with everyone.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Do you ever really need to talk about something but there is no person to talk to? I mean that you have talked about it with people yet the same thing keeps happening and they don't seem to care? Sometimes I convince myself I am being stupid and truthfully there are times when I am. However, it isn't always me. I don't think I normally would put even this much about how I am feeling on the internet knowing that people I know can read it but, it is 2:35am and everyone is out of town and I just had to get it off my chest. It was one of those things where I want to know someone heard me a little but I still didn't want the whole world to know. I don't think that made any sense, but that is what is going through my head at the moment.
On a totally different subject I am watching Gilmore Girls right now (what a surprise) and Rory and Lorelai are eating burgers and fries and I have to say they look really good right now.
Those are my thoughts. And if you made it this far I am kind of sorry and I want to say thanks.

Monday, May 21, 2007


I suck at this whole blog thing now. I haven't written since May 5th? Wow. Part of that is because I feel as if I've been a bit boring lately and kind of in a weird place. So, with that said here is what has been going on...
Since last Thursday I've been working 9-6 at FRA with the oh so lovely middle school children. Although today I got off early which is nice. My last day working with the kiddies is Friday. Part of my may actually miss it. I will for sure miss everyone I work with because they are awesome. But some of the kids aren't so bad either.
I got a job as a greeter at Bricktops! I was hired last week and I now work there which is awesome since I already know most of the people who work there and hang out with them on a regular basis.
I am going to Arizona on Saturday. My mom is having her fourth back surgery on the 31st so I am going back to help out with that.
Danielle moved out. :-( VERY SAD about that! Damnhell you have no idea how much I miss you. The other day Em, Jess and I were all at home and one of them said wow we are all home at the same time and I was like no we aren't Daniell isn't here. And then I got all sad because you don't live with us anymore.
Tessa-P-Pants came to visit! Susan Lucci! I love thee.
Val left this morning from her visit back to the Ville. That was fun. It was wonderful to see her. I am so happy that everyone is making their way back. I am just choosing to be in denial about the two leaving in the fall. (You girls are not leaving I don't know what you are talking about.)
I think that's about it. I am kind of boring. Oh well, such is life.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

That's Right

I now have three tatoos! It's on my left foot and it says Matthew 6:34. Which is "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." I LOVE it!! I will try to have a picture up soon. And now I am watching Miami Ink haha. Anyway, I thought I would let everyone know! Yay!