Sunday, May 27, 2007


So, I am back in the AZ for a week. It's been pretty uneventful so far. I went to see Pirates this afternoon. It was so loooooonnnnnngggggg. They tried to fit way too much into this movie. It wasn't horrid but it was just okay. Tonight I am going to go meet up with Emily (my best friend from here). It will be good to see her. She is going to Point Loma in San Deigo in the fall so this visit will probably be the last time I see her until Christmas. Speaking of that, is anyone not going home for Thanksgiving this fall. I don't think I want to, but I also don't want to be the only on in Nashville. Anyway, just putting that out there. I am bored and waiting for my hair color to process and thought I would write on here. Anyway, hope all is well with everyone.


Valeria said...

Are you back in Tennessee yet? I feel another visit coming soon...

Lauren said...

how's your family? did the surgery go well?