Wednesday, December 19, 2007

To Quote a Really Bad Song "It's Been Awhile"

Well, since the last post Jasmine has passed away. She died the week after I posted that. She didn't get any better even though the doctors said she was cancer free so my parents decided that she was suffering.
Anyway, the semester is over and I am back in Arizona for ten days for Christmas. Then I am going to SF to visit the sisters and nieces for New Years and my birthday. Then on Jan. 3rd I will be going to LA for three days to be the nanny for Ashley and Andrew while they get married. So, I am going to be on a lot of planes over the next couple of weeks.
Other than that things are going pretty well. Home is good so far. My sisters are going to be here on Friday. Well, two of them anyway. So, we'll see how that goes. Michelle and I are unusually close so that wont be a problem but Jackie is coming and I had not talked to her in about a year and a half. Well, Thanksgiving ended that run but it will be interesting.
Anyway, I am boring right now. So, I'll stop writing.

1 comment:

HiddenKinship said...

you are never boring. :) miss almost 22.