Friday, April 6, 2007

No Interesting Title Right Now...

I went to a Good Friday service tonight that Rolling Hills had and it was really good. They had different stations around the room (it was at the Factory in Franklin) and each station had a different theme. There was a communion station, then one that was talking about how Mary felt watching her son die. Then there was one that was talking about our sin and to remind us of it we drank this little cup on lemon juice. There was one that had blank papers that were available to write or draw what we were feeling at the time. Then there was this cross in the middle of the room with index cards to write out sin on. Then we nailed it to the cross and they put it up in the front of the room. It was a REALLY good service. They just let you wonder around to the different stations and the music was good.

It was good to be reminded what this Easter is actually about. I forget every year the real reason for all of this. I don't know why but I do. I don't think I ever think it is all that important of a holiday and then I am reminded every year and it hits me like a ton of bricks. He died for me. And I forget that? How is that possible? It shouldn't be possible and I wish it weren't.

My dad had surgery this morning and everything is fine. They found out his shoulder was worse than they thought it was before they did the surgery but he is fine now. So, yay! I don't think I told that many people about it before hand. That's because he didn't tell me until Monday through an email with the subject line of FYI.

That's about all that's going on with me. I am at Tara's watching season nine of Friends. I think she might be sleeping. I better get going. Night.


Lauren said...

aw steph! i'm glad your dad is okay! that can be scary, especially when the Rents aren't especcially forthcoming with information. I'm glad you had a good time at church; my mother suckered me into a Sunday service, so maybe i'll be reminded of something too. Hope you're doing well, keep your chin up, I think you're amazing. :)

Anonymous said...

hello love. just wanted to say hi and hope your easter was good. hope your dad's shoulder is going to be okay. have a wonnnnderful week. =)