Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Happy fourth to everyone! I hope everyone is safe and having a wonderful time today!

So, I've been doing nothing since my last post. Well, I guess not nothing. I have been working, I got sick last week so I spent all weekend laying around drugged out on NyQuil. Last night I went to see Licensed to Wed with the oh so wonderful John Krasinski (sigh). It was cute. Not as funny as I thought it would be but still entertaining and worth seeing.
Currently I am sitting at home extremely bored and not doing much of anything because I have the day off of work and my friends here seem to have plans already. Oh well, I guess this will be a bunch of down time. However, I realized while downtime is a good thing, it is only a good thing in smallish quantities. Now I am just really bored and getting really annoyed with my parents.
The countdown is on and I have exactly 36 days left until I am back in Nashville. Oh, and as of right now I am living with Tara in the fall because her roomate is spending the semester in London and we both just needed roomates for the fall semester. So, it seemed to be the best option. So, in 36 days I will be back! I can't wait. My mother always says not to wish your life away but honestly I wish it was Aug 9th right now. Anyway, I better go and do more of nothing since I don't think I have anything else to talk about.
Happy Fourth of July everyone!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

aww, thanks for the well wishes. I can't wait to see you again! Dexter wants to lick your face. :)